Get the numeric ID of a URI.

If the ID does not already exist, it will be created.

This function is referentially transparent; any number of calls with the same arguments is guaranteed to return the same value over the life of a plugin instance. Note, however, that several URIs MAY resolve to the same ID if the host considers those URIs equivalent.

This function is not necessarily very fast or RT-safe: plugins SHOULD cache any IDs they might need in performance critical situations.

The return value 0 is reserved and indicates that an ID for that URI could not be created for whatever reason. However, hosts SHOULD NOT return 0 from this function in non-exceptional circumstances (i.e. the URI map SHOULD be dynamic).

@param handle Must be the callback_data member of this struct. @param uri The URI to be mapped to an integer ID.

struct LV2_URID_Map
extern (C) nothrow @nogc
LV2_URID function(LV2_URID_Map_Handle handle, const(char)* uri) map;
