1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // (c) 2004-2018, Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, All Rights Reserved
4 // (c) 2018, Guillaume Piolat (contact@auburnsounds.com)
5 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 // 
7 // This Software Development Kit is licensed under the terms of the General 
8 // Public License (GPL) Version 3.
9 // 
10 // Details of that license can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
11 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 module dplug.vst3.ibstream;
14 version(VST3):
16 import dplug.vst3.ftypes;
18 /** Base class for streams.
19 \ingroup pluginBase
20 - read/write binary data from/to stream
21 - get/set stream read-write position (read and write position is the same)
22 */
23 interface IBStream: FUnknown
24 {
25 public:
26 nothrow:
27 @nogc:
29     alias IStreamSeekMode = int;
30 	enum : IStreamSeekMode
31 	{
32 		kIBSeekSet = 0, ///< set absolute seek position
33 		kIBSeekCur,     ///< set seek position relative to current position
34 		kIBSeekEnd      ///< set seek position relative to stream end
35 	}
37 	/** Reads binary data from stream.
38 	\param buffer : destination buffer
39 	\param numBytes : amount of bytes to be read
40 	\param numBytesRead : result - how many bytes have been read from stream (set to 0 if this is of no interest) */
41 	tresult read (void* buffer, int32 numBytes, int32* numBytesRead = null);
43 	/** Writes binary data to stream.
44 	\param buffer : source buffer
45 	\param numBytes : amount of bytes to write
46 	\param numBytesWritten : result - how many bytes have been written to stream (set to 0 if this is of no interest) */
47 	tresult write (void* buffer, int32 numBytes, int32* numBytesWritten = null);
49 	/** Sets stream read-write position. 
50 	\param pos : new stream position (dependent on mode)
51 	\param mode : value of enum IStreamSeekMode
52 	\param result : new seek position (set to 0 if this is of no interest) */
53 	tresult seek (int64 pos, int32 mode, int64* result = null);
55 	/** Gets current stream read-write position. 
56 	\param pos : is assigned the current position if function succeeds */
57 	tresult tell (int64* pos);
59     __gshared immutable TUID iid = INLINE_UID(0xC3BF6EA2, 0x30994752, 0x9B6BF990, 0x1EE33E9B);
60 }
62 /+
63 /** Stream with a size. 
64 \ingroup pluginBase
65 [extends IBStream] when stream type supports it (like file and memory stream) */
66 class ISizeableStream: FUnknown
67 {
68 public:
70 	/** Return the stream size */
71 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getStreamSize (int64& size) = 0;
72 	/** Set the steam size. File streams can only be resized if they are write enabled. */
73 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API setStreamSize (int64 size) = 0;
76 	static const FUID iid;
77 };
78 DECLARE_CLASS_IID (ISizeableStream, 0x04F9549E, 0xE02F4E6E, 0x87E86A87, 0x47F4E17F)
80 +/