1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // (c) 2005, Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, All Rights Reserved
4 // (c) 2018, Guillaume Piolat (contact@auburnsounds.com)
5 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 // 
7 // This Software Development Kit is licensed under the terms of the General 
8 // Public License (GPL) Version 3.
9 // 
10 // Details of that license can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
11 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 module dplug.vst3.ivsteditcontroller;
14 version(VST3):
16 import dplug.vst3.ftypes;
17 import dplug.vst3.ipluginbase;
18 import dplug.vst3.ibstream;
19 import dplug.vst3.iplugview;
21 static immutable string kVstComponentControllerClass = "Component Controller Class";
23 struct ParameterInfo
24 {
25     ParamID id;             ///< unique identifier of this parameter (named tag too)
26     String128 title;        ///< parameter title (e.g. "Volume")
27     String128 shortTitle;   ///< parameter shortTitle (e.g. "Vol")
28     String128 units;        ///< parameter unit (e.g. "dB")
29     int32 stepCount;        ///< number of discrete steps (0: continuous, 1: toggle, discrete value otherwise 
30                             ///< (corresponding to max - min, for example: 127 for a min = 0 and a max = 127) - see \ref vst3parameterIntro)
31     ParamValue defaultNormalizedValue;  ///< default normalized value [0,1] (in case of discrete value: defaultNormalizedValue = defDiscreteValue / stepCount)
32     UnitID unitId;          ///< id of unit this parameter belongs to (see \ref vst3UnitsIntro)
34     int32 flags;            ///< ParameterFlags (see below)
35     enum ParameterFlags
36     {
37         kCanAutomate     = 1 << 0,  ///< parameter can be automated
38         kIsReadOnly      = 1 << 1,  ///< parameter cannot be changed from outside (implies that kCanAutomate is false)
39         kIsWrapAround    = 1 << 2,  ///< attempts to set the parameter value out of the limits will result in a wrap around [SDK 3.0.2]
40         kIsList          = 1 << 3,  ///< parameter should be displayed as list in generic editor or automation editing [SDK 3.1.0]
42         kIsProgramChange = 1 << 15, ///< parameter is a program change (unitId gives info about associated unit 
43                                     ///< - see \ref vst3UnitPrograms)
44         kIsBypass        = 1 << 16  ///< special bypass parameter (only one allowed): Plug-in can handle bypass
45                                     ///< (highly recommended to export a bypass parameter for effect Plug-in)
46     }
47 }
49 mixin SMTG_TYPE_SIZE_CHECK!(ParameterInfo, 792, 792, 792);
51 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 /** View Types used for IEditController::createView */
53 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 struct ViewType
55 {
56     static immutable kEditor = "editor";
57 }
59 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 /** Flags used for IComponentHandler::restartComponent */
61 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 alias RestartFlags = int;
63 enum : RestartFlags
64 {
65     kReloadComponent            = 1 << 0,   ///< The Component should be reloaded             [SDK 3.0.0]
66     kIoChanged                  = 1 << 1,   ///< Input and/or Output Bus configuration has changed        [SDK 3.0.0]
67     kParamValuesChanged         = 1 << 2,   ///< Multiple parameter values have changed 
68                                             ///< (as result of a program change for example)  [SDK 3.0.0]
69     kLatencyChanged             = 1 << 3,   ///< Latency has changed (IAudioProcessor.getLatencySamples)  [SDK 3.0.0]
70     kParamTitlesChanged         = 1 << 4,   ///< Parameter titles or default values or flags have changed [SDK 3.0.0]
71     kMidiCCAssignmentChanged    = 1 << 5,   ///< MIDI Controller Assignments have changed     [SDK 3.0.1]
72     kNoteExpressionChanged      = 1 << 6,   ///< Note Expression has changed (info, count, PhysicalUIMapping, ...) [SDK 3.5.0]
73     kIoTitlesChanged            = 1 << 7,   ///< Input and/or Output bus titles have changed  [SDK 3.5.0]
74     kPrefetchableSupportChanged = 1 << 8,   ///< Prefetch support has changed (\see IPrefetchableSupport) [SDK 3.6.1]
75     kRoutingInfoChanged         = 1 << 9    ///< RoutingInfo has changed (\see IComponent)    [SDK 3.6.6]
76 }
78 /** Host callback interface for an edit controller.
79 \ingroup vstIHost vst300
80 - [host imp]
81 - [released: 3.0.0]
83 Allow transfer of parameter editing to component (processor) via host and support automation.
84 Cause the host to react on configuration changes (restartComponent)
86 \see IEditController */
87 interface IComponentHandler: FUnknown
88 {
89 public:
90 nothrow:
91 @nogc:
93     /** To be called before calling a performEdit (e.g. on mouse-click-down event). */
94     tresult beginEdit (ParamID id);
96     /** Called between beginEdit and endEdit to inform the handler that a given parameter has a new value. */
97     tresult performEdit (ParamID id, ParamValue valueNormalized);
99     /** To be called after calling a performEdit (e.g. on mouse-click-up event). */
100     tresult endEdit (ParamID id);
102     /** Instructs host to restart the component. This should be called in the UI-Thread context!
103     \param flags is a combination of RestartFlags */
104     tresult restartComponent (int32 flags);
106     __gshared immutable TUID iid = INLINE_UID(0x93A0BEA3, 0x0BD045DB, 0x8E890B0C, 0xC1E46AC6);
107 }
110 /** Edit controller component interface.
111 \ingroup vstIPlug vst300
112 - [plug imp]
113 - [released: 3.0.0]
115 The Controller part of an effect or instrument with parameter handling (export, definition, conversion...).
116 \see IComponent::getControllerClassId, IMidiMapping */
117 interface IEditController: IPluginBase
118 {
119 public:
120 nothrow:
121 @nogc:
123     /** Receives the component state. */
124     tresult setComponentState (IBStream state);
126     /** Sets the controller state. */
127     tresult setStateController (IBStream state); // Note: renamed to disambiguate with IVstComponent.setState
129     /** Gets the controller state. */
130     tresult getStateController (IBStream state); // Note: renamed to disambiguate with IVstComponent.getState
132     // parameters -------------------------
133     /** Returns the number of parameters exported. */
134     int32 getParameterCount ();
136     /** Gets for a given index the parameter information. */
137     tresult getParameterInfo (int32 paramIndex, ref ParameterInfo info /*out*/);
139     /** Gets for a given paramID and normalized value its associated string representation. */
140     tresult getParamStringByValue (ParamID id, ParamValue valueNormalized /*in*/, String128* string_ /*out*/);
142     /** Gets for a given paramID and string its normalized value. */
143     tresult getParamValueByString (ParamID id, TChar* string_ /*in*/, ref ParamValue valueNormalized /*out*/);
145     /** Returns for a given paramID and a normalized value its plain representation
146         (for example 90 for 90db - see \ref vst3AutomationIntro). */
147     ParamValue normalizedParamToPlain (ParamID id, ParamValue valueNormalized);
149     /** Returns for a given paramID and a plain value its normalized value. (see \ref vst3AutomationIntro) */
150     ParamValue plainParamToNormalized (ParamID id, ParamValue plainValue);
152     /** Returns the normalized value of the parameter associated to the paramID. */
153     ParamValue getParamNormalized (ParamID id);
155     /** Sets the normalized value to the parameter associated to the paramID. The controller must never
156         pass this value-change back to the host via the IComponentHandler. It should update the according
157         GUI element(s) only!*/
158     tresult setParamNormalized (ParamID id, ParamValue value);
160     // handler ----------------------------
161     /** Gets from host a handler. */
162     tresult setComponentHandler (IComponentHandler handler);
164     // view -------------------------------
165     /** Creates the editor view of the Plug-in, currently only "editor" is supported, see \ref ViewType.
166         The life time of the editor view will never exceed the life time of this controller instance. */
167     IPlugView createView (FIDString name);
169     __gshared immutable TUID iid = INLINE_UID(0xDCD7BBE3, 0x7742448D, 0xA874AACC, 0x979C759E);
170 }
172 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 /** Knob Mode */
174 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 alias KnobModes = int;
176 enum : KnobModes
177 {
178     kCircularMode = 0,      ///< Circular with jump to clicked position
179     kRelativCircularMode,   ///< Circular without jump to clicked position
180     kLinearMode             ///< Linear: depending on vertical movement
181 }
183 alias KnobMode = int;     ///< Knob Mode
186 interface IEditController2 : FUnknown
187 {
188 public:
189 nothrow:
190 @nogc:
192     /** Host could set the Knob Mode for the Plug-in. Return kResultFalse means not supported mode. \see KnobModes. */
193     tresult setKnobMode (KnobMode mode);
195     /** Host could ask to open the Plug-in help (could be: opening a PDF document or link to a web page).
196     The host could call it with onlyCheck set to true for testing support of open Help. 
197     Return kResultFalse means not supported function. */
198     tresult openHelp (TBool onlyCheck);
200     /** Host could ask to open the Plug-in about box.
201     The host could call it with onlyCheck set to true for testing support of open AboutBox. 
202     Return kResultFalse means not supported function. */
203     tresult openAboutBox (TBool onlyCheck);
205     __gshared immutable TUID iid = INLINE_UID(0x7F4EFE59, 0xF3204967, 0xAC27A3AE, 0xAFB63038);
206 }