1 /**
2 * Copyright: Copyright Auburn Sounds 2015 - 2017.
3 *            Copyright Richard Andrew Cattermole 2017.
4 *
5 * License:   $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0)
6 * Authors:   Guillaume Piolat
7 */
8 module dplug.window.window;
10 import dplug.math.box;
12 import dplug.core.nogc;
13 import dplug.graphics.image;
15 enum Key
16 {
17     space,
18     upArrow,
19     downArrow,
20     leftArrow,
21     rightArrow,
22     digit0,
23     digit1,
24     digit2,
25     digit3,
26     digit4,
27     digit5,
28     digit6,
29     digit7,
30     digit8,
31     digit9,
32     a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
33     A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
34     backspace,
35     enter,
36     escape,
37     suppr,
38     unsupported // special value, means "other"
39 };
41 public dchar getCharFromKey(Key key) nothrow @nogc
42 {
43     switch(key)
44     {
45         case Key.backspace: return '\t';
46         case Key.suppr: return '\x7f';
47         case Key.digit0: .. case Key.digit9: return cast(dchar)('0' + (key - Key.digit0));
48         case Key.a: .. case Key.z: return cast(dchar)('a' + (key - Key.a));
49         case Key.A: .. case Key.Z: return cast(dchar)('A' + (key - Key.A));
50         case Key.space : return ' ';
51         default: return '\0';
52     }
53 }
55 enum MouseButton
56 {
57     left,
58     right,
59     middle,
60     x1,
61     x2
62 }
64 struct MouseState
65 {
66     bool leftButtonDown;
67     bool rightButtonDown;
68     bool middleButtonDown;
69     bool x1ButtonDown;
70     bool x2ButtonDown;
71     bool ctrlPressed;
72     bool shiftPressed;
73     bool altPressed;
74 }
76 enum MouseCursor
77 {
78     /// Default cursor
79     pointer, 
81     /// Indicates that the underlying item can be clicked like an hyperlink, and will "jump".
82     linkSelect,
84     /// Indicates that the underlying item can be clicked and then dragged, in no particular directions.
85     /// When an open-hand is available, this is an open-hand cursor.
86     move,
88     /// Indicates that clicked item can be moved in ether vertical or hozizontal directions.
89     /// When an closed-hand is available, this is a closed-hand cursor.    
90     drag,
92     /// Indicated vertical resize abilities.
93     verticalResize,
95     /// Indicated horizontal resize abilities.
96     horizontalResize,
98     /// Indicated diagonalResize resize abilities.
99     diagonalResize,
101     /// Cursor is hidden
102     hidden
103 }
105 /// Is this window intended as a plug-in window running inside a host,
106 /// or a host window itself possibly hosting a plug-in?
107 enum WindowUsage
108 {
109     /// This window is intended to be for displaying a plugin UI.
110     /// Event pumping is done by the host (except in the X11 case where it's
111     /// done by an internal thread).
112     plugin,
114     /// This window is intended to be top-level, for hosting another OS window.
115     /// Event pumping will be done by the caller manually through `waitEventAndDispatch()`
116     /// Important: This case is not the nominal case.
117     ///            Some calls to the `IWindowListener` will make no sense.
118     host
119 }
121 /// Giving commands to a window.
122 interface IWindow
123 {
124 nothrow:
125 @nogc:
126     /// To put in your message loop.
127     /// This call should only be used if the window was
128     /// created with `WindowUsage.host`.
129     /// Else, event pumping is managed by the host or internally (X11).
130     void waitEventAndDispatch();
132     /// If exit was requested.
133     /// This call should only be used if the window was
134     /// created with `WindowUsage.host`.
135     /// In the case of a plug-in, the plugin client will request
136     /// termination of the window through its destructor.
137     bool terminated();
139     /// Profile-purpose: get time in milliseconds.
140     /// Use the results of this function for deltas only.
141     uint getTimeMs();
143     /// Gets the window's OS handle.
144     void* systemHandle();
146     /// Request a resize from the native window.
147     /// If successful, onResized` should be called after with _some_ width
148     /// and height.
149     /// Note: DPI unaware. This doesn't check size constraints.
150     ///       Do not call this with a size that isn't compatible with your desired 
151     ///       user pixel size, after GUIGraphics _userArea adjustments.
152     bool requestResize(int widthLogicalPixels, int heightLogicalPixels, bool alsoResizeParentWindow);
153 }
155 enum WindowPixelFormat
156 {
157     BGRA8,
158     ARGB8,
159     RGBA8
160 }
162 /// Receiving commands from a window.
163 ///
164 /// IMPORTANT The IWindow implementation should not call these callback without care.
165 /// In particular, there are two sets of calls that are assumed will NOT be called concurrently.
166 ///
167 ///  Set 1:
168 ///   - `onAnimate`
169 ///   - key events
170 ///   - mouse events
171 ///   - `onMouseCaptureCancelled` 
172 ///   MUST NOT be called concurrently.
173 ///
174 ///  Set 2:
175 ///   - `onDraw`
176 ///   - `onResized`
177 ///   - `recomputeDirtyAreas`    <---- this particular set has birthed many data races
178 ///   - `getDirtyRectangle`
179 ///   MUST NOT be called concurrently.
180 ///
181 ///   Some IWindow implentation ensure that unicity through passing in an event queue, others
182 ///   like the X11 implementation have to use locks.
183 ///
184 /// TODO: clarify this, additionally onDraw and onAnimate are NOT called concurrently, on purpose:
185 ///       https://github.com/AuburnSounds/Dplug/issues/453
186 interface IWindowListener
187 {
188 nothrow @nogc:
189     /// Called on mouse click.
190     /// Returns: true if the event was handled.
191     bool onMouseClick(int x, int y, MouseButton mb, bool isDoubleClick, MouseState mstate);
193     /// Called on mouse button release
194     /// Returns: true if the event was handled.
195     bool onMouseRelease(int x, int y, MouseButton mb, MouseState mstate);
197     /// Called on mouse wheel movement
198     /// Returns: true if the event was handled.
199     bool onMouseWheel(int x, int y, int wheelDeltaX, int wheelDeltaY, MouseState mstate);
201     /// Called on mouse movement (might not be within the window)
202     void onMouseMove(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, MouseState mstate);
204     /// Called on keyboard press.
205     /// Returns: true if the event was handled.
206     bool onKeyDown(Key key);
208     /// Called on keyboard release.
209     /// Returns: true if the event was handled.
210     bool onKeyUp(Key up);
212     /// Render the window in software in the buffer previously returned by `onResized`.
213     /// At the end of this function, the whole buffer should be a valid, coherent UI.
214     ///
215     /// recomputeDirtyAreas() MUST have been called before this is called.
216     /// The pixel format cannot change over the lifetime of the window.
217     ///
218     /// `onDraw` guarantees the pixels to be in the format requested by `pf`, and it also
219     /// guarantees that the alpha channel will be filled with 255.
220     void onDraw(WindowPixelFormat pf);
222     /// The drawing area size has changed.
223     /// Always called at least once before onDraw.
224     /// Returns: the location of the full rendered framebuffer.
225     ImageRef!RGBA onResized(int width, int height);
227     /// Recompute internally what needs be done for the next onDraw.
228     /// This function MUST have been called before calling `onDraw` and `getDirtyRectangle`.
229     /// This method exists to allow the Window to recompute these draw lists less.
230     /// And because cache invalidation was easier on user code than internally in the UI.
231     /// Important: once you've called `recomputeDirtyAreas()` you COMMIT to redraw the
232     /// corresponding area given by `getDirtyRectangle()`.
233     /// IMPORTANT: Two calls to `recomputeDirtyAreas()` will not yield the same area.
234     /// VERY IMPORTANT: See the above note about concurrent calls.
235     void recomputeDirtyAreas();
237     /// Returns: Minimal rectangle that contains dirty UIELement in UI + their graphical extent.
238     ///          Empty box if nothing to update.
239     /// recomputeDirtyAreas() MUST have been called before.
240     box2i getDirtyRectangle();
242     /// Called whenever mouse capture was canceled (ALT + TAB, SetForegroundWindow...)
243     void onMouseCaptureCancelled();
245     /// Called whenever mouse exited the window (but a capture could still be in action).
246     void onMouseExitedWindow();
248     /// Must be called periodically (ideally 60 times per second but this is not mandatory).
249     /// `time` must refer to the window creation time.
250     /// `dt` and `time` are expressed in seconds (not milliseconds).
251     void onAnimate(double dt, double time);
253     /// Must be called to get the current mouse cursor state for the plugin
254     MouseCursor getMouseCursor();
255 }
257 /// Various backends for windowing.
258 enum WindowBackend
259 {
260     autodetect,
261     win32,
262     cocoa,
263     x11
264 }
266 /// Returns: `true` if that windowing backend is supported on this platform.
267 static isWindowBackendSupported(WindowBackend backend) nothrow @nogc
268 {
269     version(Windows)
270         return (backend == WindowBackend.win32);
271     else version(OSX)
272     {
273         version(AArch64)
274             return (backend == WindowBackend.cocoa);
275         else version(X86_64)
276             return (backend == WindowBackend.cocoa);
277         else
278             static assert(false, "unsupported arch");
279     }
280     else version(linux)
281         return (backend == WindowBackend.x11);
282     else
283         static assert(false, "Unsupported OS");
284 }
288 /// Factory function to create windows.
289 ///
290 /// The window is allocated with `mallocNew` and should be destroyed with `destroyFree`.
291 ///
292 /// Returns: null if this backend isn't available on this platform.
293 ///
294 /// Params:
295 ///   usage = Intended usage of the window.
296 ///
297 ///   parentInfo = OS handle of the parent window.
298 ///                For `WindowBackend.win32` it's a HWND.
299 ///                For `WindowBackend.x11` it's _unused_.
300 ///
301 ///   controlInfo = was used in Carbon Audio Units, an additional parenting information.
302 ///                 Should be `null` otherwise.
303 ///
304 ///   listener = A `IWindowListener` which listens to events by this window. Can be `null` for the moment.
305 ///              Must outlive the created window.
306 ///
307 ///   backend = Which windowing sub-system is used. Only Mac has any choice in this.
308 ///             Should be `WindowBackend.autodetect` in almost all cases
309 ///
310 ///   width = Initial width of the window.
311 ///
312 ///   height = Initial height of the window.
313 ///
314 nothrow @nogc
315 IWindow createWindow(WindowUsage usage,
316                      void* parentInfo,
317                      void* controlInfo,
318                      IWindowListener listener,
319                      WindowBackend backend,
320                      int width,
321                      int height)
322 {
323     //MAYDO  `null` listeners not accepted anymore.
324     //assert(listener !is null);
326     static WindowBackend autoDetectBackend() nothrow @nogc
327     {
328         version(Windows)
329             return WindowBackend.win32;
330         else version(OSX)
331         {
332             return WindowBackend.cocoa;
333         }
334         else version(linux)
335         {
336             return WindowBackend.x11;
337         }
338         else
339             static assert(false, "Unsupported OS");
340     }
342     if (backend == WindowBackend.autodetect)
343         backend = autoDetectBackend();
345     version(Windows)
346     {
347         if (backend == WindowBackend.win32)
348         {
349             import core.sys.windows.windef;
350             import dplug.window.win32window;
351             HWND parent = cast(HWND)parentInfo;
352             return mallocNew!Win32Window(parent, listener, width, height);
353         }
354         else
355             return null;
356     }
357     else version(OSX)
358     {
359         if (backend == WindowBackend.cocoa)
360         {
361             import dplug.window.cocoawindow;
362             return mallocNew!CocoaWindow(usage, parentInfo, listener, width, height);
363         }
364         else
365             return null;
366     }
367     else version(linux)
368     {
369         if (backend == WindowBackend.x11)
370         {
371             import dplug.window.x11window;
372             return mallocNew!X11Window(usage, parentInfo, listener, width, height);
373         }
374         else
375             return null;
376     }
377     else
378     {
379         static assert(false, "Unsupported OS.");
380     }
381 }