A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Tune this to tune the trade-off between light quality and speed. The default value was tuned by hand on very shiny light sources. Too high and processing becomes very expensive. Too little and the ligth decay doesn't feel natural.
Amount of pixels dirty rectangles are extended with.
Redraw UIElements
Compose lighting effects from depth and diffuse into a result. takes output image and non-overlapping areas as input Useful multithreading code.
Compose lighting effects from depth and diffuse into a result. takes output image and non-overlapping areas as input Useful multithreading code.
PBRBackgroundGUI provides a PBR background loaded from PNG or JPEG images. It's very practical while in development because it let's you reload the six images used with the press of ENTER. The path of each of these images (given as a template parameter) must be in your "stringImportPaths" settings.