
VstTimeInfo requested via #audioMasterGetTime. @see AudioEffectX::getTimeInfo

\note VstTimeInfo::samplePos :Current Position. It must always be valid, and should not cost a lot to ask for. The sample position is ahead of the time displayed to the user. In sequencer stop mode, its value does not change. A 32 bit integer is too small for sample positions, and it's a double to make it easier to convert between ppq and samples. \note VstTimeInfo::ppqPos : At tempo 120, 1 quarter makes 1/2 second, so 2.0 ppq translates to 48000 samples at 48kHz sample rate. .25 ppq is one sixteenth note then. if you need something like 480ppq, you simply multiply ppq by that scaler. \note VstTimeInfo::barStartPos : Say we're at bars/beats readout 3.3.3. That's 2 bars + 2 q + 2 sixteenth, makes 2 * 4 + 2 + .25 = 10.25 ppq. at tempo 120, that's 10.25 * .5 = 5.125 seconds, times 48000 = 246000 samples (if my calculator servers me well :-). \note VstTimeInfo::samplesToNextClock : MIDI Clock Resolution (24 per Quarter Note), can be negative the distance to the next midi clock (24 ppq, pulses per quarter) in samples. unless samplePos falls precicely on a midi clock, this will either be negative such that the previous MIDI clock is addressed, or positive when referencing the following (future) MIDI clock.

struct VstTimeInfo {
double samplePos;
double sampleRate;
double nanoSeconds;
double ppqPos;
double tempo;
double barStartPos;
double cycleStartPos;
double cycleEndPos;
VstInt32 timeSigNumerator;
VstInt32 timeSigDenominator;
VstInt32 smpteOffset;
VstInt32 smpteFrameRate;
VstInt32 samplesToNextClock;
VstInt32 flags;
