- initialize
void initialize(int numChans, int maxFrames, int latencySamplesA, int latencySamplesB)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- nextBuffer
void nextBuffer(const(T)** inputsA, const(T)** inputsB, T** outputsA, T** outputsB, int frames)
- nextBufferInPlace
void nextBufferInPlace(T** inoutASamples, T** inoutBSamples, int frames)
Process buffers. A and B signal gets aligned with regards to their relative latency.
- nextBufferMono
void nextBufferMono(const(T)* inputA, const(T)* inputB, T* outputA, T* outputB, int frames)
- nextBufferMonoInPlace
void nextBufferMonoInPlace(T* inoutASamples, T* inoutBSamples, int frames)
Process mono inputs, help function.
A delay that resyncs latency of two signals when it's not clear which has more latency. This is a building block for internal latency compensation.
Input: | | A with latency LA, B with latency LB | A | B V V ____________LatencyResync___________ | Delayline of L1 = max(LB - LA, 0) | | Delayline of L2 = max(LA - LB, 0) | |____________________________________| | | Output: | | Two aligned signal, latency = max(LA, LB) | A | B V V