To call at initialization and whenever samplerate changes.
windowSize = size of window, expressed in samples
fftSize = size of FFT. Must be power-of-two and >= windowSize. Missing samples are zero-padded in time domain.
analysisPeriod = period of analysis results, allow to be more precise frequentially, expressed in samples.
Basic overlap is achieved with windowSize = 2 * analysisPeriod
if zeroPhaseWindowing = true, "zero phase" windowing is used
(center of window is at first sample, zero-padding happen at center)
To call at initialization and whenever samplerate changes. windowSize = size of window, expressed in samples fftSize = size of FFT. Must be power-of-two and >= windowSize. Missing samples are zero-padded in time domain. analysisPeriod = period of analysis results, allow to be more precise frequentially, expressed in samples. Basic overlap is achieved with windowSize = 2 * analysisPeriod if zeroPhaseWindowing = true, "zero phase" windowing is used (center of window is at first sample, zero-padding happen at center)