Creates the editor view of the Plug-in, currently only "editor" is supported, see \ref ViewType. The life time of the editor view will never exceed the life time of this controller instance.
Returns the normalized value of the parameter associated to the paramID.
Gets for a given paramID and normalized value its associated string representation.
Gets for a given paramID and string its normalized value.
Returns the number of parameters exported.
Gets for a given index the parameter information.
Gets the controller state.
Returns for a given paramID and a normalized value its plain representation (for example 90 for 90db - see \ref vst3AutomationIntro).
Returns for a given paramID and a plain value its normalized value. (see \ref vst3AutomationIntro)
Gets from host a handler.
Receives the component state.
Sets the normalized value to the parameter associated to the paramID. The controller must never pass this value-change back to the host via the IComponentHandler. It should update the according GUI element(s) only!
Sets the controller state.
The host passes a number of interfaces as context to initialize the Plug-in class. @note Extensive memory allocations etc. should be performed in this method rather than in the class' constructor! If the method does NOT return kResultOk, the object is released immediately. In this case terminate is not called!
This function is called before the Plug-in is unloaded and can be used for cleanups. You have to release all references to any host application interfaces.
Edit controller component interface. \ingroup vstIPlug vst300 - [plug imp] - [released: 3.0.0]
The Controller part of an effect or instrument with parameter handling (export, definition, conversion...). \see IComponent::getControllerClassId, IMidiMapping