1 /**
2 Basic IIR 1-pole and 2-pole filters through biquads. 
4 Copyright: Guillaume Piolat 2015-2017.
5 License:   $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0)
6 */
7 module dplug.dsp.iir;
9 import std.math: SQRT1_2, PI, pow, sin, cos, sqrt;
10 import std.complex: Complex,
11                     complexAbs = abs,
12                     complexExp = exp,
13                     complexsqAbs = sqAbs,
14                     complexFromPolar = fromPolar;
15 import dplug.core.math;
16 import inteli.emmintrin;
18 // DMD with a 32-bit target uses the FPU
19 version(X86)
20 {
21     version(DigitalMars)
22     {
23         version = killDenormals;
24     }
25 }
27 // TODO: function to make biquads from z-plane poles and zeroes
29 public
30 {
32     /// Type which hold the biquad coefficients. 
33     /// Important: Coefficients are considered always normalized by a0.
34     /// Note: coeff[0] is b0,
35     ///       coeff[1] is b1,
36     ///       coeff[2] is b2,
37     ///       coeff[3] is a1,
38     ///       coeff[4] is a2 in the litterature.
39     alias BiquadCoeff = double[5];
41     /// Maintain state for a biquad state.
42     /// A biquad is a realization that can model two poles and two zeros.
43     struct BiquadDelay
44     {
45         enum order = 2;
47         double _x0;
48         double _x1;
49         double _y0;
50         double _y1;
52         void initialize() nothrow @nogc
53         {
54             _x0 = 0;
55             _x1 = 0;
56             _y0 = 0;
57             _y1 = 0;
58         }
60         static if (order == 2)
61         {
62             /// Process a single sample through the biquad filter.
63             /// This is rather inefficient, in general you'll prefer to use the `nextBuffer`
64             /// functions.
65             float nextSample(float input, const(BiquadCoeff) coeff) nothrow @nogc
66             {
67                 double x1 = _x0,
68                     x2 = _x1,
69                     y1 = _y0,
70                     y2 = _y1;
72                 double a0 = coeff[0],
73                     a1 = coeff[1],
74                     a2 = coeff[2],
75                     a3 = coeff[3],
76                     a4 = coeff[4];
78                 double current = a0 * input + a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 - a3 * y1 - a4 * y2;
80                 // kill denormals,and double values that would be converted
81                 // to float denormals
82                 version(killDenormals)
83                 {
84                     current += 1e-18f;
85                     current -= 1e-18f;
86                 }
88                 _x0 = input;
89                 _x1 = x1;
90                 _y0 = current;
91                 _y1 = y1;
92                 return current;
93             }
94             ///ditto
95             double nextSample(double input, const(BiquadCoeff) coeff) nothrow @nogc
96             {
97                 double x1 = _x0,
98                     x2 = _x1,
99                     y1 = _y0,
100                     y2 = _y1;
102                 double a0 = coeff[0],
103                     a1 = coeff[1],
104                     a2 = coeff[2],
105                     a3 = coeff[3],
106                     a4 = coeff[4];
108                 double current = a0 * input + a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 - a3 * y1 - a4 * y2;
110                 // kill denormals, and double values that would be converted
111                 // to float denormals
112                 version(killDenormals)
113                 {
114                     current += 1e-18f;
115                     current -= 1e-18f;
116                 }
118                 _x0 = input;
119                 _x1 = x1;
120                 _y0 = current;
121                 _y1 = y1;
122                 return current;
123             }
125             void nextBuffer(const(float)* input, float* output, int frames, const(BiquadCoeff) coeff) nothrow @nogc
126             {
127                 static if (D_InlineAsm_Any)
128                 {
129                     double x0 = _x0,
130                         x1 = _x1,
131                         y0 = _y0,
132                         y1 = _y1;
134                     double a0 = coeff[0],
135                         a1 = coeff[1],
136                         a2 = coeff[2],
137                         a3 = coeff[3],
138                         a4 = coeff[4];
140                     version(LDC)
141                     {
142                         import inteli.emmintrin;
144                         __m128d XMM0 = _mm_set_pd(x1, x0);
145                         __m128d XMM1 = _mm_set_pd(y1, y0);
146                         __m128d XMM2 = _mm_set_pd(a2, a1);
147                         __m128d XMM3 = _mm_set_pd(a4, a3);
148                         __m128d XMM4 = _mm_set_sd(a0);
150                         __m128d XMM6 = _mm_undefined_pd();
151                         __m128d XMM7 = _mm_undefined_pd();
152                         __m128d XMM5 = _mm_undefined_pd();
153                         for (int n = 0; n < frames; ++n)
154                         {
155                             __m128 INPUT =  _mm_load_ss(input + n);
156                             XMM5 = _mm_setzero_pd();
157                             XMM5 = _mm_cvtss_sd(XMM5,INPUT);
159                             XMM6 = XMM0;
160                             XMM7 = XMM1;
161                             XMM5 = _mm_mul_pd(XMM5, XMM4); // input[i]*a0
162                             XMM6 = _mm_mul_pd(XMM6, XMM2); // x1*a2 x0*a1
163                             XMM7 = _mm_mul_pd(XMM7, XMM3); // y1*a4 y0*a3
164                             XMM5 = _mm_add_pd(XMM5, XMM6);
165                             XMM5 = _mm_sub_pd(XMM5, XMM7); // x1*a2 - y1*a4 | input[i]*a0 + x0*a1 - y0*a3
166                             XMM6 = XMM5;
168                             XMM0 = cast(double2) _mm_slli_si128!8(cast(__m128i) XMM0);
169                             XMM6 = cast(double2) _mm_srli_si128!8(cast(__m128i) XMM6);
171                             XMM0 = _mm_cvtss_sd(XMM0, INPUT);
172                             XMM5 = _mm_add_pd(XMM5, XMM6);
173                             XMM7 = cast(double2) _mm_cvtsd_ss(_mm_undefined_ps(), XMM5);
174                             XMM5 = _mm_unpacklo_pd(XMM5, XMM1);
175                             XMM1 = XMM5;
176                             _mm_store_ss(output + n, cast(__m128) XMM7);
177                         }
178                         _mm_storel_pd(&x0, XMM0);
179                         _mm_storeh_pd(&x1, XMM0);
180                         _mm_storel_pd(&y0, XMM1);
181                         _mm_storeh_pd(&y1, XMM1);
182                     }
183                     else version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
184                     {
185                         asm nothrow @nogc
186                         {
187                             mov EAX, input;
188                             mov EDX, output;
189                             mov ECX, frames;
191                             movlpd XMM0, qword ptr x0; // XMM0 = x1 x0
192                             movhpd XMM0, qword ptr x1;
193                             movlpd XMM1, qword ptr y0; // XMM1 = y1 y0
194                             movhpd XMM1, qword ptr y1;
196                             movlpd XMM2, qword ptr a1; // XMM2 = a2 a1
197                             movhpd XMM2, qword ptr a2;
198                             movlpd XMM3, qword ptr a3; // XMM3 = a4 a3
199                             movhpd XMM3, qword ptr a4;
201                             movq XMM4, qword ptr a0; // XMM4 = 0 a0
203                             align 16;
204                         loop:
205                             pxor XMM5, XMM5;
206                             cvtss2sd XMM5, dword ptr [EAX];
208                             movapd XMM6, XMM0;
209                             movapd XMM7, XMM1;
211                             mulpd XMM5, XMM4; // input[i]*a0
212                             mulpd XMM6, XMM2; // x1*a2 x0*a1
213                             mulpd XMM7, XMM3; // y1*a4 y0*a3
215                             addpd XMM5, XMM6;
216                             subpd XMM5, XMM7; // x1*a2 - y1*a4 | input[i]*a0 + x0*a1 - y0*a3
218                             movapd XMM6, XMM5;
219                             pslldq XMM0, 8;
220                             psrldq XMM6, 8;
222                             cvtss2sd XMM0, dword ptr [EAX]; // XMM0 <- x0 input[i]
223                             addpd XMM5, XMM6; // garbage | input[i]*a0 + x0*a1 - y0*a3 + x1*a2 - y1*a4
225                             cvtsd2ss XMM7, XMM5;
226                             punpcklqdq XMM5, XMM1; // XMM5 <- y0 current
227                             add EAX, 4;
228                             movd dword ptr [EDX], XMM7;
229                             add EDX, 4;
230                             movapd XMM1, XMM5;
232                             sub ECX, 1;
233                             jnz short loop;
235                             movlpd qword ptr x0, XMM0;
236                             movhpd qword ptr x1, XMM0;
237                             movlpd qword ptr y0, XMM1;
238                             movhpd qword ptr y1, XMM1;
239                         }
240                     }
241                     else version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
242                     {
243                         ubyte[16] storage0;
244                         ubyte[16] storage1;
245                         asm nothrow @nogc
246                         {
247                             movups storage0, XMM6;
248                             movups storage1, XMM7;
250                             mov RAX, input;
251                             mov RDX, output;
252                             mov ECX, frames;
254                             movlpd XMM0, qword ptr x0; // XMM0 = x1 x0
255                             movhpd XMM0, qword ptr x1;
256                             movlpd XMM1, qword ptr y0; // XMM1 = y1 y0
257                             movhpd XMM1, qword ptr y1;
259                             movlpd XMM2, qword ptr a1; // XMM2 = a2 a1
260                             movhpd XMM2, qword ptr a2;
261                             movlpd XMM3, qword ptr a3; // XMM3 = a4 a3
262                             movhpd XMM3, qword ptr a4;
264                             movq XMM4, qword ptr a0; // XMM4 = 0 a0
266                             align 16;
267                         loop:
268                             pxor XMM5, XMM5;
269                             cvtss2sd XMM5, dword ptr [RAX];
271                             movapd XMM6, XMM0;
272                             movapd XMM7, XMM1;
274                             mulpd XMM5, XMM4; // input[i]*a0
275                             mulpd XMM6, XMM2; // x1*a2 x0*a1
276                             mulpd XMM7, XMM3; // y1*a4 y0*a3
278                             addpd XMM5, XMM6;
279                             subpd XMM5, XMM7; // x1*a2 - y1*a4 | input[i]*a0 + x0*a1 - y0*a3
281                             movapd XMM6, XMM5;
282                             pslldq XMM0, 8;
283                             psrldq XMM6, 8;
285                             addpd XMM5, XMM6; // garbage | input[i]*a0 + x0*a1 - y0*a3 + x1*a2 - y1*a4
286                             cvtss2sd XMM0, dword ptr [RAX]; // XMM0 <- x0 input[i]
287                             cvtsd2ss XMM7, XMM5;
288                             punpcklqdq XMM5, XMM1; // XMM5 <- y0 current
289                             add RAX, 4;
290                             movd dword ptr [RDX], XMM7;
291                             add RDX, 4;
292                             movapd XMM1, XMM5;
294                             sub ECX, 1;
295                             jnz short loop;
297                             movlpd qword ptr x0, XMM0;
298                             movhpd qword ptr x1, XMM0;
299                             movlpd qword ptr y0, XMM1;
300                             movhpd qword ptr y1, XMM1;
302                             movups XMM6, storage0; // XMMx with x >= 6 registers need to be preserved
303                             movups XMM7, storage1;
304                         }
305                     }
306                     else
307                         static assert(false, "Not implemented for this platform.");
309                     // Kill small signals that can cause denormals (no precision loss was measurable)
310                     version(killDenormals)
311                     {
312                         x0 += 1e-10;
313                         x0 -= 1e-10;
314                         x1 += 1e-10;
315                         x1 -= 1e-10;
316                         y0 += 1e-10;
317                         y0 -= 1e-10;
318                         y1 += 1e-10;
319                         y1 -= 1e-10;
320                     }
322                     _x0 = x0;
323                     _x1 = x1;
324                     _y0 = y0;
325                     _y1 = y1;
326                 }
327                 else
328                 {
329                     double x0 = _x0,
330                         x1 = _x1,
331                         y0 = _y0,
332                         y1 = _y1;
334                     double a0 = coeff[0],
335                         a1 = coeff[1],
336                         a2 = coeff[2],
337                         a3 = coeff[3],
338                         a4 = coeff[4];
340                     for(int i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
341                     {
342                         double current = a0 * input[i] + a1 * x0 + a2 * x1 - a3 * y0 - a4 * y1;
344                         // kill denormals,and double values that would be converted
345                         // to float denormals
346                         version(killDenormals)
347                         {
348                             current += 1e-18f;
349                             current -= 1e-18f;
350                         }
352                         x1 = x0;
353                         x0 = input[i];
354                         y1 = y0;
355                         y0 = current;
356                         output[i] = current;
357                     }
359                     _x0 = x0;
360                     _x1 = x1;
361                     _y0 = y0;
362                     _y1 = y1;
363                 }
364             }
365             ///ditto
366             void nextBuffer(const(double)* input, double* output, int frames, const(BiquadCoeff) coeff) nothrow @nogc
367             {  
368                 double x0 = _x0,
369                        x1 = _x1,
370                        y0 = _y0,
371                        y1 = _y1;
373                 double a0 = coeff[0],
374                        a1 = coeff[1],
375                        a2 = coeff[2],
376                        a3 = coeff[3],
377                        a4 = coeff[4];
379                 __m128d XMM0 = _mm_set_pd(x1, x0);
380                 __m128d XMM1 = _mm_set_pd(y1, y0);
381                 __m128d XMM2 = _mm_set_pd(a2, a1);
382                 __m128d XMM3 = _mm_set_pd(a4, a3);
383                 __m128d XMM4 = _mm_set_sd(a0);
385                 __m128d XMM6 = _mm_undefined_pd();
386                 __m128d XMM7 = _mm_undefined_pd();
387                 __m128d XMM5 = _mm_undefined_pd();
388                 for (int n = 0; n < frames; ++n)
389                 {
390                     __m128d INPUT = _mm_load_sd(input + n);
391                     XMM5 = INPUT;
393                     XMM6 = XMM0;
394                     XMM7 = XMM1;
395                     XMM5 = _mm_mul_pd(XMM5, XMM4); // input[i]*a0
396                     XMM6 = _mm_mul_pd(XMM6, XMM2); // x1*a2 x0*a1
397                     XMM7 = _mm_mul_pd(XMM7, XMM3); // y1*a4 y0*a3
398                     XMM5 = _mm_add_pd(XMM5, XMM6);
399                     XMM5 = _mm_sub_pd(XMM5, XMM7); // x1*a2 - y1*a4 | input[i]*a0 + x0*a1 - y0*a3
400                     XMM6 = XMM5;
402                     XMM0 = cast(double2) _mm_slli_si128!8(cast(__m128i) XMM0);
403                     XMM6 = cast(double2) _mm_srli_si128!8(cast(__m128i) XMM6);
404                     XMM0.ptr[0] = INPUT.array[0];
405                     XMM5 = _mm_add_pd(XMM5, XMM6);
406                     XMM7 = XMM5;
407                     XMM5 = _mm_unpacklo_pd(XMM5, XMM1);
408                     XMM1 = XMM5;
409                     _mm_store_sd(output + n, XMM7);
410                 }
411                 _mm_storel_pd(&x0, XMM0);
412                 _mm_storeh_pd(&x1, XMM0);
413                 _mm_storel_pd(&y0, XMM1);
414                 _mm_storeh_pd(&y1, XMM1);
415             }
417             /// Special version of biquad processing, for a constant DC input.
418             void nextBuffer(float input, float* output, int frames, const(BiquadCoeff) coeff) nothrow @nogc
419             {
420                 // Note: this naive version performs better than an intel-intrinsics one
421                 double x0 = _x0,
422                     x1 = _x1,
423                     y0 = _y0,
424                     y1 = _y1;
426                 double a0 = coeff[0],
427                     a1 = coeff[1],
428                     a2 = coeff[2],
429                     a3 = coeff[3],
430                     a4 = coeff[4];
432                 for(int i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
433                 {
434                     double current = a0 * input + a1 * x0 + a2 * x1 - a3 * y0 - a4 * y1;
436                     // kill denormals,and double values that would be converted
437                     // to float denormals
438                     version(killDenormals)
439                     {
440                         current += 1e-18f;
441                         current -= 1e-18f;
442                     }
444                     x1 = x0;
445                     x0 = input;
446                     y1 = y0;
447                     y0 = current;
448                     output[i] = current;
449                 }
451                 _x0 = x0;
452                 _x1 = x1;
453                 _y0 = y0;
454                 _y1 = y1;
455             }
456             ///ditto
457             void nextBuffer(double input, double* output, int frames, const(BiquadCoeff) coeff) nothrow @nogc
458             {
459                 double x0 = _x0,
460                     x1 = _x1,
461                     y0 = _y0,
462                     y1 = _y1;
464                 double a0 = coeff[0],
465                     a1 = coeff[1],
466                     a2 = coeff[2],
467                     a3 = coeff[3],
468                     a4 = coeff[4];
470                 for(int i = 0; i < frames; ++i)
471                 {
472                     double current = a0 * input + a1 * x0 + a2 * x1 - a3 * y0 - a4 * y1;
474                     // kill denormals,and double values that would be converted
475                     // to float denormals
476                     version(killDenormals)
477                     {
478                         current += 1e-18f;
479                         current -= 1e-18f;
480                     }
482                     x1 = x0;
483                     x0 = input;
484                     y1 = y0;
485                     y0 = current;
486                     output[i] = current;
487                 }
489                 _x0 = x0;
490                 _x1 = x1;
491                 _y0 = y0;
492                 _y1 = y1;
493             }
494         }
495     }
497     /// 1-pole low-pass filter.
498     /// Note: the cutoff frequency can be >= nyquist, in which case it asymptotically approaches a bypass.
499     ///       the cutoff frequency can be below 0 Hz, in which case it is equal to zero.
500     ///       This filter is normalized on DC.
501     ///       You always have -3 dB at cutoff in the valid range.
502     ///
503     /// See_also: http://www.earlevel.com/main/2012/12/15/a-one-pole-filter/
504     BiquadCoeff biquadOnePoleLowPass(double frequency, double sampleRate) nothrow @nogc
505     {
506         double fc = frequency / sampleRate;
507         if (fc < 0.0f)
508             fc = 0.0f;
509         double t2 = fast_exp(-2.0 * PI * fc);
510         BiquadCoeff result;
511         result[0] = 1 - t2;
512         result[1] = 0;
513         result[2] = 0;
514         result[3] = -t2;
515         result[4] = 0;
516         return result;
517     }
519     /// 1-pole high-pass filter.
520     /// Note: Like the corresponding one-pole lowpass, this is normalized for DC.
521     ///       The cutoff frequency can be <= 0 Hz, in which case it is a bypass.
522     ///       Going in very high frequency does NOT give zero.
523     ///       You always have -3 dB at cutoff in the valid range.
524     ///
525     /// See_also: https://www.dspguide.com/ch19/2.html
526     BiquadCoeff biquadOnePoleHighPass(double frequency, double sampleRate) nothrow @nogc
527     {
528         double fc = frequency / sampleRate;
529         if (fc < 0.0f)
530             fc = 0.0f;
531         double t2 = fast_exp(-2.0 * PI * fc);
532         BiquadCoeff result;
533         result[0] = (1 + t2) * 0.5;
534         result[1] = -(1 + t2) * 0.5;
535         result[2] = 0;
536         result[3] = -t2;
537         result[4] = 0;
538         return result;
539     }
541     /// 1-pole low-pass filter, frequency mapping is not precise.
542     /// Not accurate across sample rates, but coefficient computation is cheap. Not advised.
543     BiquadCoeff biquadOnePoleLowPassImprecise(double frequency, double samplerate) nothrow @nogc
544     {
545         double t0 = frequency / samplerate;
546         if (t0 > 0.5f)
547             t0 = 0.5f;
549         double t1 = (1 - 2 * t0);
550         double t2  = t1 * t1;
552         BiquadCoeff result;
553         result[0] = cast(float)(1 - t2);
554         result[1] = 0;
555         result[2] = 0;
556         result[3] = cast(float)(-t2);
557         result[4] = 0;
558         return result;
559     }
561     /// 1-pole high-pass filter, frequency mapping is not precise.
562     /// Not accurate across sample rates, but coefficient computation is cheap. Not advised.
563     BiquadCoeff biquadOnePoleHighPassImprecise(double frequency, double samplerate) nothrow @nogc
564     {
565         double t0 = frequency / samplerate;
566         if (t0 > 0.5f)
567             t0 = 0.5f;
569         double t1 = (2 * t0);
570         double t2 = t1 * t1;
572         BiquadCoeff result;
573         result[0] = cast(float)(1 - t2);
574         result[1] = 0;
575         result[2] = 0;
576         result[3] = cast(float)(t2);
577         result[4] = 0;
578         return result;
579     }
581     // Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter coefficients
582     // by Robert Bristow-Johnson
584     /// Low-pass filter 12 dB/oct as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
585     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJLowPass(double frequency, double samplerate, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
586     {
587         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.LOW_PASS_FILTER, frequency, samplerate, 0, Q);
588     }
590     /// High-pass filter 12 dB/oct as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
591     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJHighPass(double frequency, double samplerate, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
592     {
593         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.HIGH_PASS_FILTER, frequency, samplerate, 0, Q);
594     }
596     /// Band-pass filter as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
597     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJBandPass(double frequency, double samplerate, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
598     {
599         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.BAND_PASS_FILTER, frequency, samplerate, 0, Q);
600     }
602     /// Notch filter as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
603     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJNotch(double frequency, double samplerate, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
604     {
605         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.NOTCH_FILTER, frequency, samplerate, 0, Q);
606     }
608     /// Peak filter as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
609     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJPeak(double frequency, double samplerate, double gain, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
610     {
611         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.PEAK_FILTER, frequency, samplerate, gain, Q);
612     }
614     /// Low-shelf filter as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
615     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJLowShelf(double frequency, double samplerate, double gain, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
616     {
617         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.LOW_SHELF, frequency, samplerate, gain, Q);
618     }
620     /// High-shelf filter as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
621     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJHighShelf(double frequency, double samplerate, double gain, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
622     {
623         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.HIGH_SHELF, frequency, samplerate, gain, Q);
624     }
626     /// 2nd order All-pass filter as described by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
627     /// This is helpful to introduce the exact same phase response as the RBJ low-pass, but doesn't affect magnitude.
628     BiquadCoeff biquadRBJAllPass(double frequency, double samplerate, double Q = SQRT1_2) nothrow @nogc
629     {
630         return generateBiquad(BiquadType.ALL_PASS_FILTER, frequency, samplerate, 0, Q);
631     }
633     /// Identity biquad, pass signal unchanged.
634     BiquadCoeff biquadBypass() nothrow @nogc
635     {
636         BiquadCoeff result;
637         result[0] = 1;
638         result[1] = 0;
639         result[2] = 0;
640         result[3] = 0;
641         result[4] = 0;
642         return result;
643     }
645     /// Zero biquad, gives zero output.
646     BiquadCoeff biquadZero() nothrow @nogc
647     {
648         BiquadCoeff result;
649         result[0] = 0;
650         result[1] = 0;
651         result[2] = 0;
652         result[3] = 0;
653         result[4] = 0;
654         return result;
655     }
657     /// Bessel 2-pole lowpass.
658     BiquadCoeff biquadBesselLowPass(double frequency, double sampleRate) nothrow @nogc
659     {
660         double normalGain = 1;
661         double normalW = 0;
662         Complex!double pole0 = Complex!double(-1.5 , 0.8660);
663         Complex!double pole1 = Complex!double(-1.5 , -0.8660);
664         double fc = frequency / sampleRate;
665         double T = fc * 2 * PI;
666         pole0 = complexExp(pole0 * T); // matched Z transform
667         pole1 = complexExp(pole1 * T);
668         Complex!double zero01 = Complex!double(-1.0, 0.0);
669         BiquadCoeff coeff = biquad2Poles(pole0, zero01, pole1, zero01);
670         double scaleFactor = 1.0 / complexAbs( biquadResponse(coeff, 0 ));
671         return biquadApplyScale(coeff, scaleFactor);
672     }
673 }
675 private
676 {
677     enum BiquadType
678     {
679         LOW_PASS_FILTER,
680         HIGH_PASS_FILTER,
681         BAND_PASS_FILTER,
682         NOTCH_FILTER,
683         PEAK_FILTER,
684         LOW_SHELF,
685         HIGH_SHELF,
686         ALL_PASS_FILTER
687     }
689     // generates RBJ biquad coefficients
690     BiquadCoeff generateBiquad(BiquadType type, double frequency, double samplerate, double gaindB, double Q) nothrow @nogc
691     {
692         // regardless of the output precision, always compute coefficients in double precision
694         double A = pow(10.0, gaindB / 40.0);
695         double w0 = (2.0 * PI) * frequency / samplerate;
696         double sin_w0 = sin(w0);
697         double cos_w0 = cos(w0);
699         double alpha = sin_w0 / (2 * Q);
701         //   = sin(w0)*sinh( ln(2)/2 * BW * w0/sin(w0) )           (case: BW)
702         //   = sin(w0)/2 * sqrt( (A + 1/A)*(1/S - 1) + 2 )         (case: S)
704         double b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2;
706         final switch(type)
707         {
708             case  BiquadType.LOW_PASS_FILTER:
709                 b0 = (1 - cos_w0) / 2;
710                 b1 = 1 - cos_w0;
711                 b2 = (1 - cos_w0) / 2;
712                 a0 = 1 + alpha;
713                 a1 = -2 * cos_w0;
714                 a2 = 1 - alpha;
715                 break;
717             case BiquadType.HIGH_PASS_FILTER:
718                 b0 = (1 + cos_w0) / 2;
719                 b1 = -(1 + cos_w0);
720                 b2 = (1 + cos_w0) / 2;
721                 a0 = 1 + alpha;
722                 a1 = -2 * cos_w0;
723                 a2 = 1 - alpha;
724                 break;
726             case BiquadType.BAND_PASS_FILTER:
727                 b0 = alpha;
728                 b1 = 0;
729                 b2 = -alpha;
730                 a0 = 1 + alpha;
731                 a1 = -2 * cos_w0;
732                 a2 = 1 - alpha;
733                 break;
735             case BiquadType.NOTCH_FILTER:
736                 b0 = 1;
737                 b1 = -2*cos_w0;
738                 b2 = 1;
739                 a0 = 1 + alpha;
740                 a1 = -2*cos(w0);
741                 a2 = 1 - alpha;
742                 break;
744             case BiquadType.PEAK_FILTER:
745                 b0 = 1 + alpha * A;
746                 b1 = -2 * cos_w0;
747                 b2 = 1 - alpha * A;
748                 a0 = 1 + alpha / A;
749                 a1 = -2 * cos_w0;
750                 a2 = 1 - alpha / A;
751                 break;
753             case BiquadType.LOW_SHELF:
754                 {
755                     double ap1 = A + 1;
756                     double am1 = A - 1;
757                     double M = 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha;
758                     b0 = A * (ap1 - am1 * cos_w0 + M);
759                     b1 = 2 * A * (am1 - ap1 * cos_w0);
760                     b2 = A * (ap1 - am1 * cos_w0 - M);
761                     a0 = ap1 + am1 * cos_w0 + M;
762                     a1 = -2 * (am1 + ap1 * cos_w0);
763                     a2 = ap1 + am1 * cos_w0 - M;
764                 }
765                 break;
767             case BiquadType.HIGH_SHELF:
768                 {
769                     double ap1 = A + 1;
770                     double am1 = A - 1;
771                     double M = 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha;
772                     b0 = A * (ap1 + am1 * cos_w0 + M);
773                     b1 = -2 * A * (am1 + ap1 * cos_w0);
774                     b2 = A * (ap1 + am1 * cos_w0 - M);
775                     a0 = ap1 - am1 * cos_w0 + M;
776                     a1 = 2 * (am1 - ap1 * cos_w0);
777                     a2 = ap1 - am1 * cos_w0 - M;
778                 }
779                 break;
781             case BiquadType.ALL_PASS_FILTER:
782                 {
783                     b0 = 1 - alpha;
784                     b1 = -2 * cos_w0;
785                     b2 = 1 + alpha;
786                     a0 = 1 + alpha;
787                     a1 = -2 * cos_w0;
788                     a2 = 1 - alpha;
789                 }
790                 break;
791         }
793         BiquadCoeff result;
794         result[0] = cast(float)(b0 / a0);  // FUTURE: this sounds useless and harmful to cast to float???
795         result[1] = cast(float)(b1 / a0);
796         result[2] = cast(float)(b2 / a0);
797         result[3] = cast(float)(a1 / a0);
798         result[4] = cast(float)(a2 / a0);
799         return result;
800     }
801 }
804 // TODO: deprecated this assembly, sounds useless vs inteli
805 version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
806     private enum D_InlineAsm_Any = true;
807 else version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
808     private enum D_InlineAsm_Any = true;
809 else
810     private enum D_InlineAsm_Any = false;
813 private:
817 BiquadCoeff biquad2Poles(Complex!double pole1, Complex!double zero1, Complex!double pole2, Complex!double zero2) nothrow @nogc
818 {
819     // Note: either it's a double pole, or two pole on the real axis.
820     // Same for zeroes
822     assert(complexAbs(pole1) <= 1);
823     assert(complexAbs(pole2) <= 1);
825     double a1;
826     double a2;
827     double epsilon = 0;
829     if (pole1.im != 0)
830     {
831         assert(pole1.re == pole2.re);
832         assert(pole1.im == -pole2.im);
833         a1 = -2 * pole1.re;
834         a2 = complexsqAbs(pole1);
835     }
836     else
837     {
838         assert(pole2.im == 0);
839         a1 = -(pole1.re + pole2.re);
840         a2 =   pole1.re * pole2.re;
841     }
843     const double b0 = 1;
844     double b1;
845     double b2;
847     if (zero1.im != 0)
848     {
849         assert(zero2.re == zero2.re);
850         assert(zero2.im == -zero2.im);
851         b1 = -2 * zero1.re;
852         b2 = complexsqAbs(zero1);
853     }
854     else
855     {
856         assert(zero2.im == 0);
857         b1 = -(zero1.re + zero2.re);
858         b2 =   zero1.re * zero2.re;
859     }
861     return [b0, b1, b2, a1, a2];
862 }
864 BiquadCoeff biquadApplyScale(BiquadCoeff biquad, double scale) nothrow @nogc
865 {
866     biquad[0] *= scale;
867     biquad[1] *= scale;
868     biquad[2] *= scale;
869     return biquad;
870 }
872 // Calculate filter response at the given normalized frequency.
873 Complex!double biquadResponse(BiquadCoeff coeff, double normalizedFrequency) nothrow @nogc
874 {
875     static Complex!double addmul(Complex!double c, double v, Complex!double c1)
876     {
877         return Complex!double(c.re + v * c1.re, c.im + v * c1.im);
878     }
880     double w = 2 * PI * normalizedFrequency;
881     Complex!double czn1 = complexFromPolar (1., -w);
882     Complex!double czn2 = complexFromPolar (1., -2 * w);
883     Complex!double ch = 1.0;
884     Complex!double cbot = 1.0;
886     Complex!double cb = 1.0;
887     Complex!double ct = coeff[0]; // b0
888     ct = addmul (ct, coeff[1], czn1); // b1
889     ct = addmul (ct, coeff[2], czn2); // b2
890     cb = addmul (cb, coeff[3], czn1); // a1
891     cb = addmul (cb, coeff[4], czn2); // a2
892     ch   *= ct;
893     cbot *= cb;
894     return ch / cbot;
895 }
897 nothrow @nogc unittest 
898 {
899     BiquadCoeff c = biquadBesselLowPass(20000, 44100);
900 }