Creates an aligned buffer with given initial size.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Sets size to zero.
Fills the buffer with the same value.
Finds an item, returns -1 if not found
Append an element to this buffer.
Pop last element
Append an element to this buffer.
Appends another buffer to this buffer.
Appends a slice to this buffer.
Move. Give up owner ship of the data.
Removes an item and replaces it by the last item. Warning: this reorders the array.
Removes an item and shift the rest of the array to front by 1. Warning: O(N) complexity.
Resizes a buffer to hold askedSize elements.
Kind of a std::vector replacement. Grow-only array, points to a (optionally aligned) memory location. This can also work as an output range. Vec is designed to work even when uninitialized, without makeVec.