Frees aligned memory allocated by alignedMalloc or alignedRealloc. Functionally equivalent to Visual C++ _aligned_free. Do not mix allocations with different alignment.
Allocates an aligned memory chunk. Functionally equivalent to Visual C++ _aligned_malloc. Do not mix allocations with different alignment. Important: alignedMalloc(0) does not necessarily return null, and its result _has_ to be freed with alignedFree.
Reallocates an aligned memory chunk allocated by alignedMalloc or alignedRealloc. Functionally equivalent to Visual C++ _aligned_realloc. Do not mix allocations with different alignment. Important: alignedRealloc(p, 0) does not necessarily return null, and its result _has_ to be freed with alignedFree.
Use throughout dplug:dsp to avoid reliance on GC. Important: Size 0 is special-case to free the slice. This works a bit like alignedRealloc except with slices as input. You MUST use consistent alignement thoughout the lifetime of this buffer.
Kind of a std::vector replacement. Grow-only array, points to a (optionally aligned) memory location. This can also work as an output range. Vec is designed to work even when uninitialized, without makeVec.
Defines Vec, reallocBuffer and memory functions.