Create empty and with no size.
Create with given initial size.
Create from already loaded dense RGBA pixel data. buffer should be allocated with alignedMalloc/alignedRealloc with an alignment of 1. Ownership of buffer is given to the OwnedImage.
Fills the whole image, border included, with a single color value.
Premultiply by alpha
Fill the borders by taking the nearest existing pixel in the meaningful area.
Fill the borders _touching updatedRect_ by taking the nearest existing pixel in the meaningful area.
Resize the image, the content is lost and the new content is undefined.
Height of the meaningful area. Public in order to be an Image.
Width of the meaningful area. Public in order to be an Image.
Implements the view[x, y] operator.
Implements the view[x, y] = c operator.
Manually managed image.