Asks if a given sample size is supported see \ref SymbolicSampleSizes.
Gets the bus arrangement for a given direction (input/output) and index. Note: IComponent::getInfo () and IAudioProcessor::getBusArrangement () should be always return the same information about the buses arrangements.
Gets the current Latency in samples. The returned value defines the group delay or the latency of the Plug-in. For example, if the Plug-in internally needs to look in advance (like compressors) 512 samples then this Plug-in should report 512 as latency. If during the use of the Plug-in this latency change, the Plug-in has to inform the host by using IComponentHandler::restartComponent (kLatencyChanged), this could lead to audio playback interruption because the host has to recompute its internal mixer delay compensation. Note that for player live recording this latency should be zero or small.
Gets tail size in samples. For example, if the Plug-in is a Reverb Plug-in and it knows that the maximum length of the Reverb is 2sec, then it has to return in getTailSamples() (in VST2 it was getGetTailSize ()): 2*sampleRate. This information could be used by host for offline processing, process optimization and downmix (avoiding signal cut (clicks)). It should return: - kNoTail when no tail - x * sampleRate when x Sec tail. - kInfiniteTail when infinite tail.
The Process call, where all information (parameter changes, event, audio buffer) are passed.
Try to set (from host) a predefined arrangement for inputs and outputs. The host should always deliver the same number of input and output buses than the Plug-in needs (see \ref IComponent::getBusCount). The Plug-in returns kResultFalse if wanted arrangements are not supported. If the Plug-in accepts these arrangements, it should modify its buses to match the new arrangements (asked by the host with IComponent::getInfo () or IAudioProcessor::getBusArrangement ()) and then return kResultTrue. If the Plug-in does not accept these arrangements, but can adapt its current arrangements (according to the wanted ones), it should modify its buses arrangements and return kResultFalse.
Informs the Plug-in about the processing state. This will be called before any process calls start with true and after with false. Note that setProcessing (false) may be called after setProcessing (true) without any process calls. In this call the Plug-in should do only light operation (no memory allocation or big setup reconfiguration), this could be used to reset some buffers (like Delay line or Reverb).
Called in disable state (not active) before processing will begin.
Audio Processing Interface. This interface must always be supported by audio processing Plug-ins.