< used for Ambisonics channel (FX or Panner/Mixconverter/Up-Mixer/Down-Mixer when combined with other category)
< Meter, Scope, FFT-Display, not selectable as insert plugin
< others type (not categorized)
< Scope, FFT-Display, Loudness Processing...
< Delay, Multi-tap Delay, Ping-Pong Delay...
< Amp Simulator, Sub-Harmonic, SoftClipper...
< Compressor, Expander, Gate, Limiter, Maximizer, Tape Simulator, EnvelopeShaper...
< Equalization, Graphical EQ...
< WahWah, ToneBooster, Specific Filter,...
< Tone Generator, Noise Generator...
< Fx which could be loaded as Instrument too
< Fx which could be loaded as Instrument too and is external (wrapped Hardware)
< Dither, Noise Shaping,...
< Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Tremolo, Vibrato, AutoPan, Rotary, Cloner...
< using Network
< Pitch Processing, Pitch Correction, Vocal Tuning...
< Denoiser, Declicker,...
< Reverberation, Room Simulation, Convolution Reverb...
< MonoToStereo, StereoEnhancer,...
< dedicated to surround processing: LFE Splitter, Bass Manager...
< Volume, Mixer, Tuner...
< Effect used as instrument (sound generator), not as insert
< Instrument for Drum sounds
< External Instrument (wrapped Hardware)
< Instrument based on Samples
< Instrument based on Synthesis
< Instrument based on Synthesis and Samples
< used for Mono only Plug-in optional
< will be NOT used for Plug-in offline processing (will work as normal insert Plug-in)
< used for Plug-in offline processing (will not work as normal insert Plug-in)
< indicates that it supports only realtime process call, no processing faster than realtime
< used for SurroundPanner
< used for SurroundPanner and as insert effect
< used for Stereo only Plug-in optional
< used for Surround only Plug-in optional
< used for Mixconverter/Up-Mixer/Down-Mixer