Value | Meaning |
flagRaw1 | This UIElement draws to the Raw layer. onDrawRaw will be called when widget is dirty. When calling setDirty(UILayer.guessFromFlags), the Raw layer will be invalidated. The Raw layer is "on top" of the PBR layer, and is faster to update since it needs no PBR computation. |
flagPBR2 | This UIElement draws to the PBR layer. onDrawPBR will be called when widget is dirty. When calling setDirty(UILayer.guessFromFlags), the PBR _and_ Raw layers will be invalidated, since the Raw layer is composited over the result of PBR. |
flagAnimated4 | This UIElement is animated. The onAnimate callback should be called regularly. If you don't have this flag, only input events and parameter changes may change the widget appearance. |
flagDrawAloneRaw8 | This UIElement cannot be drawn in parallel with other widgets, when drawn in the Raw layer. |
flagDrawAlonePBR16 | This UIElement cannot be drawn in parallel with other widgets, when drawn in the PBR layer. |