UIElement (aka widgets) have various flags.
UIElement is the base class of the dplug:gui widget hierarchy. It is called a "widget" in the Dplug lore.
Result of onMouseClick.
Used by the setDirty calls to figure out which layers should be invalidated (there are 2 layers, Raw and PBR).
A UIElement has 8 void* user pointers (4 reserved for Dplug + 4 for vendors). The first two are used by dplug:wren-support.
The maximum length for an UIElement ID.
Is this a valid UIElement identifier?
Reasonable default value for the Depth channel.
Reasonable dielectric and metal values for Metalness.
Reasonable default value for the Roughness channel.
Reasonable default value for the Specular channel. Since "everything is shiny" it' better to always have at least a little of specular.
UIElement is the base class of all widgets. In the Dplug codebase, UIElement and "widgets" terms are used indifferently.